Leadership Mission Statement

A leader is someone who takes it upon themselves to become knowledgeable in a specific area (whether with technology or another aspect of education such as a particular subject) and who shares that knowledge among a community of co- leaders and learners.  A leader is someone who is constantly learning new things and is not afraid to seek help when needed.  A leader must not know everything, but be willing to offer coaching and support in the area in which they have taken it upon themselves to learn and become an expert, and seek guidance in those areas in which others have become experts.

I doubted my leadership skills throughout the Ed Tech course as I did not find myself confident in every technology taught to us.  It was just recently that I discovered that as a leader I didn't have to know everything, but that I can take it upon myself to lead and teach in specific areas in which I feel comfortable.

As an Ed Tech Leader I will be a participative leader- by which I will collaborate with my teaching community in order to teach and coach one another based on our strengths.  I will not be afraid to admit my weaknesses and ask for help, as no one can be a leader in isolation.  Leadership involves teamwork and cooperation, to share in the glory of each others strengths and successes.  I will help to foster an environment conducive to collaboration and shared leadership, and will contribute with my knowledge of educational technologies to benefit teaching and learning in the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Jamie,
    Your professional and personal growth through this teacher training year as connected to your involvement in the ed tech course is certainly highlighted in this blog entry. Recognizing that leaders cannot be "experts" in all areas is a key awareness. Your other comment worthy of note is that leadership skills are developed and refined in the context of others. One cannot be a leader and be an isolate.
    I am sure that you are discovering these insights first hand during your final 7-week block. Try to keep these in the back of your mind whenever you are preparing for an interview. I am sure there will be a place where you can insert these thoughts as part of your philososphy of education as well as when sharing unique experiences that offered "proof of the pudding".
